A software developer based in the GTA,
I am always looking for new opportunities to expand my skillset and to work on new and interesting things.
I always loved tinkering with different tech from the moment I first got my hands on a computer. I started off by following instructions on how to jailbreak my ipod touch and running somewhat suspicious scripts that I didn't understand at the time. After that I moved on to learning how to install custom ROMs on my phone, managing to completely wipe the system until I discovered adb. Eventually I was introduced to programming in high school and that is when I realized this is what I was looking for, a way to creatively build things and to problem solve.
I went on to attend the University of Toronto, where I
My goals for the year include building some things that I would love to use as well as rebuild my reading habit. I'm aiming for 52 books read by the end of the year, to go along with a reflection about each of them in my blog section.
Whenever I'm not working on something, I am either looking up new recipes, new restaurants, burning off the calories from said recipes and restaurants, or obsessing over the latest news in the NBA and NHL.